“I Lost Myself,” imfalls
Produced by ShooterCo
Directed by Jake the Shooter
HMU: Amanda Tralle
“TT Freak,” Akon
Produced by ShooterCo
Directed by Jake the Shooter
HMU: Amanda Tralle
“Bullets,” Curly J
Produced by ShooterCo
Directed by Jake the Shooter
HMU: Amanda Tralle
Team Liquid - Riddles Announcement
SPFX: Amanda Trlale
SPFX Assistant: Monica Sabatelli
“Nelly Furtado,” Strick
YSL Records
Directed by Boima
HMU: Amanda Tralle
“Screaming Underwater,” Alex Warren
Produced by ShooterCo
Directed by Jake the Shooter
HMU: Amanda Tralle
Lexus #GiveAmazing: Dave & Cayleigh
Directed by Farhoud Meybodi
HMU: Amanda Tralle
Lexus #GiveAmazing: Monique & Zee
Directed by Farhoud Meybodi
HMU: Amanda Tralle
“LEAKED Pentagon documentary reveals ALIENS exist (comedy)”
Brent Pella & Blake Webber
HMU: Shaina Paulson
HMU Assistant: Amanda Tralle
“Mi Otra Mitad,” Manuel Medrano
Directed by Jon Saw
HMU Department Head: Alyssa Hudson
Hair/Makeup Artist: Amanda Tralle, Shaina Paulson
“Fake” (feat. Ranger), RIP Youth
Directed by Jonathan Cocco
HMU: Shaina Paulson
HMU Assistant: Amanda Tralle